
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dream Interpretation

April 1, 2010 
This morning I woke up from a dream where it involved small flood, white bucket, monkey, and jacuzzi. There was a slight flood when I was trying to make my way to my friend's house. To avoid the flood, my friend showed an alternative shorcut in which we have to cross a river by sailing on a bucket. Bizarrely, the bucket was canoed by a monkey. But we chose to not go on the bucket.
The scene changed. My friend and I were looking over the neighbor's fence. There was 2 jacuzzis being occupied by people who I don't recognized. Some appeared to be wearing bathing suits, while the others didn't.

Flood: To dream that you are in a flood, represents your need to release some sexual desires. If the flood is raging, then it represents emotional issues and tension. Your repressed emotions are overwhelming you. Consider where the flood is for clues as to where in your waking life is causing you stress and tension. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that you are the one who is overwhelming others with your demands and strong opinion.
To see a gentle flood in your dream, indicates that your worries over a certain matter will soon be swept away.
Bucket: To see or carry a bucket in your dream, indicates an improvement in your current situation.
Monkey: Alternatively, monkeys also indicate an immature attitude, a playful nature and a mischievous side of your personality.
Fence: To see a fence in your dream, signifies an obstacle or barrier that may be standing on your path. You may feel confined and restricted in expressing yourself. Are you feeling fenced in some situation or confined in some relationship? Alternatively, it may symbolize a need for privacy. You may want to shut off the rest of the world.
Jacuzzi: To dream that you are in a jacuzzi, suggests that you need to cleanse your emotions and rid yourself of all the negativity you are experiencing in your sex life.

Dream Interpretation Source:

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