
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dream Interpretation

March 31, 2010
Yesterday I had a dream that I was travelling again. This time I was in Canada. I bought a purse and a pair of light brown leather boots at Danier.

Purse: To see or carry a purse in your dream, represents secrets, desires and thoughts which are being closely held and guarded. It symbolizes your identity and sense of self. Consider also the condition of the purse for indications of your state of mind or feelings. Alternatively, a purse symbolizes the female genitalia and the womb.
Boots: To see or dream that you are wearing boots, refers to the power in your movement and the boldness of your position. You are taking a firm stance.
Leather: To see or wear leather in your dream, represents toughness and ruggedness. Perhaps it may imply your thick-skinned nature. Or you are seeking protection from the elements. Alternatively, the dream also refers to your instinctual and animalistic nature and thus, have sexual connotations.

Dream Interpretation Source:

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