
Friday, April 23, 2010


Je peux entendre
les oiseaux chanter encore

Le soleil se lève tôt
La neige fondra

Bientôt, les fleurs vont grandir
Aïe, tout le monde! Printemps est a venir!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Greatest Prize of the Year!

April 3, 2010
I am currently the happiest girl alive! It has been 2 days in a row since I've cried over the Pitbull ticket that I failed to collect on April 1st. My brother promised that he would get the ticket. In the morning he mentioned that he finally got them. By night time, he told me that he didn't get the tickets. (I expected him to say 'April Fools day!' But he wasn't joking) I was sooo pissed because if I had known, I would've managed to get it myself. Before the clock struck midnight, the tickets were already Sold Out. My jaws dropped. And I burst into tears. All my friends already bought themselves tickets. Even those that know nothing about Pitbull.
I only had 3-4 hours of sleep that night. I woke up at 5 am and prepared myself to head home. (This was on Apr 2nd)
Later that night, Adrie Subono mentioned that he'll be doing some quizzes the day after tomorrow. I was thrilled cuz earlier that day, I've been phoning all my friends and texting unknown Kaskus strangers in search of an available tickets. I tweeted to all my friends telling them to be ready on Apr 4 at 2pm for the quiz.

On April 3rd, I woke up early and checked ubertwitter. Adrie Subono mentioned that he's gonna have a Kuis Dadakan (Kuda) at 8:30-9:30 am. I took part in the quiz but did not win. Instead some girl who owns 4 twitter accounts won just because she tweeted up to 400 times. Insane!

I kept tweeting to Adrie Subono saying that there should be an age limit and a bigger venue. Yet no replies. In the evening I got bored and decided to make fun of him on twitter.

LydiaZein: Botak! @AdrieSubono
(Apr 3, 2010 22:13)

And I fell asleep shortly after that.
Then my friend Bila called and told me I got a reply from him! No way!?

AdrieSubono: @LydiaZein kenapa malem2 manggil gue......
(Apr 3, 2010 22:58)

AnggiAnggraeni: Minta tiket pitbull dia om @AdrieSubono..kasihan om.. :) RT @AdrieSubono: @LydiaZein  kenapa malem2 manggil gue......
(Apr 3, 2010 23:04)

AdrieSubono: @AnggiAnggraeni gw nyahut....dia kabur...tadinya mau guw kasi tiket pitbull tuh
(Apr 3, 2010 23:06)

LydiaZein: Ga kabur ko om. Still here.. Beneran nih om? pitbull? RT @AdrieSubono: gw nyahut....dia kabur...tadinya mau guw kasi tiket pitbull tuh
(Apr 3, 2010 23:15)

LydiaZein: Om @AdrieSubono .... Ko om yg kabur skrg???
(Apr 3, 2010 23:19)

(Apr 3, 2010 23:29)

LydiaZein: @AdrieSubono Beneran om?????????? Serius om????
(Apr 3, 2010 23:30)

AdrieSubono: @LydiaZein beneran lah....teriak dulu sekarang yang histeris kaya orang kesenengan....ujungnya bilang si botaks rambutnya udah tumbuuuuuhh
(Apr 3, 2010 23:32)

@LydiaZein: ALHAMDULILLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RT @AdrieSubono: @LydiaZein  ONE  FREE  PITBULL  FOR  YOU FROM  BOTAXS!
(Apr 3, 2010 23:35)

(Apr 3, 2010 23:36)

(Apr 3, 2010 23:38)

AdrieSubono: @LydiaZein  huakakakakak.... td om dah DM kamu supaya email om bwt orang java hubungin kamu, dah terima.....awas lho kl rambut womga tumbuh
(Apr 3, 2010 23:40)

From: @AdrieSubono
Sent: Apr 3, 2010 23:35

email om ke kasih nama dn nr hp biar dihubungi kantor

Subhanallah. Rejeki memang ga kemana.
I was randomly selected out of 112.432 people. I got so many Retweets and replies after that. It was so overwhelming.
Terima kasih Allah. Terima kasih om Adrie Subono. Terima kasih semua!
Hey Pitbull, you know I wantchahh!

Dream Interpretation

April 1, 2010 
This morning I woke up from a dream where it involved small flood, white bucket, monkey, and jacuzzi. There was a slight flood when I was trying to make my way to my friend's house. To avoid the flood, my friend showed an alternative shorcut in which we have to cross a river by sailing on a bucket. Bizarrely, the bucket was canoed by a monkey. But we chose to not go on the bucket.
The scene changed. My friend and I were looking over the neighbor's fence. There was 2 jacuzzis being occupied by people who I don't recognized. Some appeared to be wearing bathing suits, while the others didn't.

Flood: To dream that you are in a flood, represents your need to release some sexual desires. If the flood is raging, then it represents emotional issues and tension. Your repressed emotions are overwhelming you. Consider where the flood is for clues as to where in your waking life is causing you stress and tension. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that you are the one who is overwhelming others with your demands and strong opinion.
To see a gentle flood in your dream, indicates that your worries over a certain matter will soon be swept away.
Bucket: To see or carry a bucket in your dream, indicates an improvement in your current situation.
Monkey: Alternatively, monkeys also indicate an immature attitude, a playful nature and a mischievous side of your personality.
Fence: To see a fence in your dream, signifies an obstacle or barrier that may be standing on your path. You may feel confined and restricted in expressing yourself. Are you feeling fenced in some situation or confined in some relationship? Alternatively, it may symbolize a need for privacy. You may want to shut off the rest of the world.
Jacuzzi: To dream that you are in a jacuzzi, suggests that you need to cleanse your emotions and rid yourself of all the negativity you are experiencing in your sex life.

Dream Interpretation Source:

Dream Interpretation

March 31, 2010
Yesterday I had a dream that I was travelling again. This time I was in Canada. I bought a purse and a pair of light brown leather boots at Danier.

Purse: To see or carry a purse in your dream, represents secrets, desires and thoughts which are being closely held and guarded. It symbolizes your identity and sense of self. Consider also the condition of the purse for indications of your state of mind or feelings. Alternatively, a purse symbolizes the female genitalia and the womb.
Boots: To see or dream that you are wearing boots, refers to the power in your movement and the boldness of your position. You are taking a firm stance.
Leather: To see or wear leather in your dream, represents toughness and ruggedness. Perhaps it may imply your thick-skinned nature. Or you are seeking protection from the elements. Alternatively, the dream also refers to your instinctual and animalistic nature and thus, have sexual connotations.

Dream Interpretation Source: