
Sunday, September 20, 2009

8-Year-Old Psychic

I dont know if this has ever occured to you. But I just had my fortune told by an 8-year-old boy. He mentioned the number of my GPA. He said that I will get married after a year of first job experience, by a prince who has a background from a town called "B". The boy also said that I will continue the job (not sure if it's the same occupation though) after marriage. Abroad.

He said that so far I've magnetized 5 men (LOL).
3 = taller than me
1 = my height
1 = slightly shorter

2 = older than me
2 = my age
1 = below my age

I wonder if this is all true, judging the fact that he's only an 8-year-old.
But I do know one thing. He knows how to use my BlackBerry. And he has never used it before. The minute he touches it, it was as if he has been using it for quite a long time.

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