
Friday, August 12, 2011

Dream Interpretation

Aug 12, 2011
So I had a dream I was at a local bookstore called Gramedia. My younger friends named Melly and Hanna calls up to help them find books on pregnancy and zodiacs. Then the scene changes. I was with my mom and dad getting ready to my friend, Chitra's wedding. I had no idea who she was getting married to. So my mom, dad and I headed to the parking lot. Yes, apparently it wasn't the usual garage but a huge parking lot. We had three cars there. One was a public transportation, another one was a dining car, and the third was a personal car. Then I woke up (well I thought I did). And sent a bbm to my bf telling him about the dream I just had. Only to realize that I was still dreaming. The scene changes. I was inside a building that looked like a trade center. The Rock and Bow Wow was there too. The building was full of bad guys who were armed with weapons and we tried to save everyone's lives. The bad guys blew up the entrance doors  with an armored tank  so everyone was stuck inside and unable to exit the building. The lobby was filled with dusts and ruins. Then the scene changes again. I was looking at two girls having a cat-fight. One was a redhead, the other was a blond. The redhead was The Rock's girlfriend and the blond was his second girlfriend. The blond knew the redhead was already dating him. So it looks like the redhead was pissed off at her. Then the dream ended there.

To see books in your dream, indicate calmness. You are moving toward your goals at a slow and steady pace. Books also symbolize knowledge, intellect, information and wisdom. In particular, to see an open book in your dream, means that you are able to grasp new ideas with ease. If the book is closed, then it represents your allure and mysteriousness. Consider the type of book for additional clues. The dream may represent your calling into a specific field of work or an area that you need to devote more study to. Alternatively, the dream could be telling you not to judge a book by its cover.
To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. Being pregnant in your dream may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.
To see the zodiac in your dream, represents the various aspects of your conscious being and how you connect to the universe. Alternatively, the zodiac may appear in a dream to denote the passage of time.
To see a wedding in your dream, symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your current life. A wedding reflects your issues about commitment and independence. To dream that you are attending a wedding, consider how you feel at the wedding. If you are upset or sad, then it means that you are unhappy about the current status of your life. If you are happy, then you are embracing a new change in your life
Parking Lot
To dream that you are in parking lot, suggests that you need to slow down and take time from your daily activities.
To see a parked car in your dream, suggests that you need to turn your efforts and energies elsewhere. You may be needlessly spending your energy in a fruitless endeavor. Alternatively, a parked car may symbolize your need to stop and enjoy life.
To see a building in your dream, represents the self and the body. How high you are in the building indicates a rising level of understanding, awareness or success. If you are in the lower levels of the building, then it refers to more primal attitudes and/or sexuality. To see a building in ruins or damaged, indicates that your approach toward a situation or relationship is all wrong. You need to change. Your own self-image may have suffered and taken some blow.
Armored Cars
To see or drive an armored car in your dream, suggests that you are feeling insecure about the progress you have made so far in life. Perhaps you feel that you are not measuring up to others. You are building a protective barrier or emotional wall around yourself. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to be careful of your spending and that you need to protect your finances.
To see others fighting in your dream, suggests that you are unwilling to acknowledge your own problems and turmoil. You are not taking any responsibility or initiative in trying to resolve issues in your waking life.
To dream that you are a redhead, suggests that you need more spontaneity and vitality in your life. It is time to make some dramatic changes. 
To see a blond person in your dream, suggests that you need to enjoy life and live it up. Be a little glamorous.

Dream Interpretation Source:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dream Interpretation

Aug 6, 2011
I had a dream I went to Disneyland again. Funny cuz I remembered the location of each rides as if I've been there many times before. I was there with my friend Lian. We went to this small shop to buy some jellybeans. Then we went to go on some more rides.

To dream that you are at Disneyland, indicates that you need to take some time off, especially after all the hard work that you have been involved in. Known as the "happiest place on earth", the dream may suggest a lack of happiness in your life. You are looking for that happiness.
To see or eat jellybeans in your dream, signify light heartedness, positive energy and joy. You are feeling content and relaxed.

Dream Interpretation Source: