
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

KKN Day 8

22 Jan 2010
Today I was scheduled to teach at an elementary school of a village where there were barely any electricity. I taught Grade 4 Math with a bonus of English through the end of the period. 
Started off with the formulas of parallelograms and 2 digits multiplications. They were quite enthusiastic and fought over to answer the questions on the chalkboard. So I gave them each and every one of them a chance to answer different equations on the board. This way I would know which kids comprehended and which who don't. As a bonus, I taught them to sing the ABC's in English and played name-the-animals game.  At the end of the period, the kids asked if we all could get our pictures taken.
I proceeded the next period with teaching the name of fruits in English to the 5th grade.
Was surprised by how discipline these kids were, compared to those living in the city. (to which I can relate to as a kid who always live in big cities).

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