
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dream Interpretation

Since my last post about the Dream Interpretation, I became more interested in analysing my dreams. So when I wake up every morning, I will try to remember every little details of the dreams that I had the previous nights. Wether it involves people, objects, symbols, colours, etc.
This morning, I woke up from a random dream.
I was in a place where it involves two groups of highschooler (or was it college) guys. One of the groups changed their clothes to yellow and green jerseys. They were about to form a huge fight against each other when all of the sudden I went up to one of the guys and told him to stop all the nonsense. I think the guy was insulted by my statement 'cause then he decided to hunt me down and beat me up.
So then I escaped and showed up in some kind of a hotel room. I couldn't remember exactly the details and conversation. I think my mom was there. The next thing I know I was in a bathtub to find out that I've got my period. I told my mom that I just had my period last week. I was 3 weeks early.
Then the scene changed and I was running to a room that looked like a small restaurant. One of my mom's friends (who adored cooking) was there. But she was just sitting there with her relatives waiting for her order. She asked if I had eaten yet, I told her I dont have time to eat 'cause I was running away from the group of guys that were chasing after me. Then the waiter showed up with a plate of huge french fries and another plate of huge onion rings.
Then the scene changed again, and I was in some kind of local shop trying new shoes. The shoes were funny-looking. But my mom said they were comfortable to wear. It was a pair of black wedges (like about 10 cm). On the wedges there were zippers where you could keep your personal belongings or any important stuff. (well, the wedges were quite humongous, as huge as platform shoes).

Bathtubs: To see or be in a bathtub in your dream, suggests a need for self-renewal and escape from everyday problems. You need to rid yourself of the burdens that you have been carrying. Alternatively, it indicates your mood for love and pursuit of pleasure and relaxation
Menstruation: To dream of menstruation, indicates that you are releasing your pent-up tension and worry. It signals an end to difficult times and the beginning of relaxation. It may mean that some creative energy is being released or recognized. Alternatively, you may be denying your feminine side.
Onions: To see or eat onions in your dream, represents the deep layers you need to get through in order to unveil what is really underneath. You need need to dig a little deeper into a situation or problem.
French Fries: To see or eat French Fries in your dream, suggests that you should not overlook the frivolous and seemingly minute things in life.
Waiter: To see a waiter in your dream, suggests that you are in need of nurturance and to feel special. The dream may also be a pun and your need to be patient and wait.
Shoes: To see new shoes in your dream, suggests that you are overconfident in your success. Alternatively you may be on a life path that is unfamiliar to you.

Dream Interpretation Source:

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