
Sunday, April 1, 2018

No Need to Understand IT to Be Able to Use BJTech Chatbot's Platform

With BJTech Platform, now anyone can create their own chatbot without coding. BJTech comes as a solution to making an easy chatbot. As most people think that creating a chatbot only applies to those who understand IT. Fear not! On 21 March 2018, PT Jualan Online Indonesia launches the BJTech platform at Freeware Labs Kemang. PT Jualan Online Indonesia is an AI (Artificial Intelligence)-based conversation platform that enables anyone to develop their own chatbots through messaging application according to their needs. 

This automatic conversation technology is predicted to jazz up the digital industry. According to a research by, the growth of mobile phone message application users in Indonesia is predicted to reach up to 82 million users in 2018. This growth will make a messaging appication as the main forms of social interaction that is used by the majority. This too resulted in an evolution in the service of customer care, from human interactive customer care to chatbot digital customer care.

"With the spirit of 'Bot for Everyone', we want to point out that chatbots can be created by everyone ranging from SMEs actors, artists to regular employees. This is because one does not need to have a particular programming skills in order to use the BJTech platform." said Diatce G. Harahap, CEO of PT Jualan Online Indonesia. "Chatbots can be programmed in a relatively quick time and we want to eliminate the possibilities that cause chatbots to be difficult to use. These chatbots can work as 24-hours digital customer care. Individuals can now use chatbots during their daily activities without limitation."

The use of these chatbots already existed in LINE, an existing top messaging applications in Asia, where brands or entrepreneurs can send information about their products promotion to their customers. Christa Sabathaly as LINE's Senior Business Development Manager reveals the trend of LINE usage in Indonesia and chatbot usage in LINE, "As of 2018, there are more than 2.3 million LINE user accounts in Indonesia. Most of these LINE user accounts came from SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). Several of these existing LINE accounts users have utilized chatbots to provide product information and order steps to their customers. This shows that the usage of chatbots becomes an important component in their business operation to serve customers 24 hours."

According to a research data by the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in 2017, there are only up to 3.79 million out of 59.2 million SMEs who have used digital platform in marketing their products. This shows that digital knowledge and its usage among the SMEs are still low. Afifuddin Kalla, as the Chairman of the Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) mentioned, "Although the growth of SMEs in Indonesia is growing rapidly, it is not accompanied by an increase in digital platform knowledge for their businesses. With BJTech, SMEs can optimize their business operations through chatbots."

According to Diatce, the use of chatbot as a digital customer care for SMEs allow them to optimize cost & time efficiency as these chatbots can reply automatically. Not only that, these chatbots can make reservations and even share the location. "Chatbot products that use BJTech's AI Conversation Platform have already cooperated with LINE Indonesia, BNI and Cisco. The implementation of these chatbots can only work on LINE as BJTech looks forward to an expansion on messaging apps, mobile apps or other platforms."
Chatbot Starter Kit
The BJTech platform is powered by a machine learning technology that can reach everyone at once through the easiest form of communication which is chat. Users can follow few simple technical steps of making the chatbots. First, they need to determine the purpose and function from making these chatbots. The first step will impact the second step which is forming the conversation flow, language style and grammar used by the chatbots. Last but not least, the chatbots are implemented in LINE app.

BJTech Crew, Line & HIPMI

Indonesian Bloggers at the BJTech Launch

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Beauty Workshop with SilkyGirl

Last Saturday, 19 March 2018 I had a wonderful experience to take part in Silkygirl Beauty Workshop with Kak Gyanda Agtyani (or most of us call by her instagram name @andaws) who demonstrated her make up skills. Kak Andaws is one of the rising make up artists in Indonesia and has done work on many brides across the nation. All this time I can only see Kak Andaws' work on Instagram, and through this workshop I can finally see her in person. In case you didn't know Silkygirl is a growing cosmetic brand originated in Singapore and Malaysia through ACG (Alliance Cosmetics Group) International which is one of the largest companies in Asia in the field of cosmetics, body & face care.
This beauty workshop was held at The Fifth of Decorus Building (5th floor) in Jl. Kemang Raya No. 89, Jakarta. As was told to come in a pink dress code, the beauty workshop participants arrived in their pink outfits, in accordance to Silkygirl's brand and theme colour for the event. We were greeted by the Silkygirl's brand team and directed to a long table to which we were offered free flow iced tea or and main course for lunch. Two long tables were decorated with Silkygirl makeup and makeup accessories.

As I was directed by the brand team to a table with an empty chair, a familiar voice called my name, "Lydia!". I looked to the chair across me and turned out it was one of my highschool friends Jessica Deviyana who I last saw 10 years ago at SMA Labschool Jakarta.  She too happened to be a participant at Silkygirl's beauty workshop.

Me and Jessica

The beauty workshop did not start for another 30 minutes, as everyone continued to finish their meal. Shortly after, Kak Andaws walked into the room and greeted the 20-something participants with a giant friendly smile. She shared her tips on "Day to Night Makeup Twist" as well as her secret signature makeup. Silkygirl's brand team also introduced several of their top products such as the Magic BB Cream, Hi-Definition Brow Liner, Truly Nude Eye Shadow Palette, Perfect Sharp Eyeliner, Big Eye Collagen Waterproof Mascara, and 3D Brow and Nose Shadow for face contour.

I think that the look of "Day to Night Makeup Twist" is perfect for those of you who loves an Asian style make up that is light and resistant throughout the whole day, as several of the tones of Silkygirl's foundation and BB cream are light coloured. Silkygirl's product are primarily targeting teens and young women in Asia who wants to look more appealing and increase their confidence. 

The beauty workshop lasted for 2 hours with series of brand and products introduction, makeup application, knowledge and tips. At the end of the sessions, the Silkygirl brand team announced a winner from the participants who applied the Best Make Up. We also had a chance to have a one-on-one greet and photo with Kak Andaws! She's so friendly!
Kak Andaws and Me
When the workshop is over, each participants received a pink goodie bag and a certificate with our names on it for completing Silkygirl's beauty workshop. I arrived home to receive several beauty items such as Matte Junkie Lip Cream, Sharp Matte Eyeliner, Brow Liner and Powder, and a cute cosmetic pouch. Thanks Silkygirl!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Berbahayakah Mengkonsumsi Nasi Putih Terlalu Banyak?

Nasi putih merupakan makanan pokok bagi orang Asia. Hal ini disebakan nasi menyediakan sumber energi dalam bentuk karbohidrat. Namun jika nasi dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang terlalu banyak, akan berdampak pada tubuh. Berikut alasannya:
  1. Meningkatnya kadar gula darah. Tingginya kadar gula dalam darah dapat beresiko terkena diabetes tipe II.
  2. Terjadinya sembelit/konstipasi. Nasi putih hanya memiliki 4 gram serat per cup, sedangkan nasi merah 7 gram. Semakin banyak nasi putih yang Anda konsumsi, semakin meningkat konstipasi Anda. Nasi putih memiliki sedikit serat sehingga dapat menyebabkan sulit BAB.
  3. Meningkatnya berat tubuh. Jika nasi dikonsumsi dalam jumlah banyak, seseorang akan merasa cepat kenyang sehingga mengurangi keinginan untuk mengkonsumsi makanan lain yang lebih bergizi. Hal ini disebabkan karena tingginya karbohidrat pada nasi.
  4. Rendahnya nutrisi. Nilai nutrisi pada nasi sangat rendah sehingga hanya bersifat mengenyangkan secara sementara dan akan sulit untuk nutrisi lain masuk ke tubuh ketika sudah terlalu banyak makan nasi. Satu cup nasi memiliki sekitar 242 kalori dan mengandung sejumlah kecil zat besi, fosfor, kalium, thiamin dan folat. Nasi memiliki sodium yang sangat sedikit dan tidak mengandung vitamin C. Karena minimnya nutrisi ini, seseorang dapat mengalami kekurangan gizi. Kandungan karbohidrat dalam nasi sangat tinggi sehingga jika dimakan terlalu banyak akan dapat mempengaruhi metabolisme glukosa dan produksi insulin dalam tubuh.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Movie Review: Still Alice

Julianne Moore from Flickr via Wylio
© 2015 David Alexander Elder, Flickr | CC-BY-ND | via Wylio
Still Alice is based on the novel with the same name by Lisa Genova. The movie portrayed a 50-year old linguistics professor named Alice Howland who was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's Disease. Now, now I am not going to go over the details of the story since I have no intention of spoiling. This movie is a clear message that younger people can develop Alzheimer's disease, that could strip away not just the memory, but life and career. One of the most emotional scene occurred when Alice delivers her speech at an Alzheimer's Association conference. I applaud Julianne's Moore's phenomenal performance. It is not a wonder she won Best Actress at the Oscar Academy Awards 2015.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Beach

The hot sun rays burned my already-tanned skin.
The beige coloured sand felt warm as I wiggle my toes.
I could hear the cold waves splashing as the noisy seagulls squawk merely above, up at the forget-me-not blue sky.
I stepped into the chilly water, I feel soft grains of sand as I move through the dissolved lime-and-rhythmic-blue-coloured water.
(Onrust Island, Jakarta)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Penggunaan Media Sosial untuk Komunikasi B2B

Media sosial telah merubah cara individu berkomunikasi terhadap satu sama lain. Hal ini juga menyebabkan revolusi terhadap cara industri B2B berjalan. Terdapat anggapan bagi beberapa orang bahwa strategi media sosial mudah dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan. Kemudahan yang dimaksud adalah setiap orang yang memiliki alamat email dapat membuat akun di media sosial. Namun untuk mendapatkan perhatian dan loyalitas dari para konsumen di sosial, bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah. 
The Art of Social Media from Flickr via Wylio
© 2011 mkhmarketing, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio
Agar proses B2B berjalan secara efektif, terdapat 6 elemen untuk menciptakan strategi jangka panjang:
  1. Fokus. Untuk dapat berkontribusi secara efektif di komunitas sosial media memerlukan fokus pada tujuan yang telah ditentukan.
  2. Waktu. Sangat sulit menentukan waktu yang cukup untuk melakukan pemasaran di media sosial. Terdapat beberapa pengguna media sosial yang menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di Twitter tapi bukan berarti itu efektif. Jika media sosial ditujukan untuk benar-benar menjadi bagian dari strategi B2B, maka mulailah untuk meluangkan waktu 30-45 menit setiap hari dengan interval 15 menit.
  3. Persepsi. Perhatikan detil terhadap konten yang ingin disampaikan, perilaku penggunanya dan target audiens. Perhatikan juga tema dan intonasi. Ketika memulai networking atau koneksi dengan orang-orang baru, perhatikan topik dan pembicaraan yang mereka sering diskusikan. Observasi ini akan menghasilkan partisipasi yang sangat berarti ketika memberi kontribusi di sosial media.
  4. Komunikasi. Dalam B2B, penting untuk memberi respon dan mengenali orang-orang yang mengikuti aktivitas media sosial.
  5. Kreativitas. Kontribusi memerlukan kreativitas. Desain profil, kontribusi konten dan gaya berkomunikasi yang kreatif akan membangun jaringan dan menambah rekognisi di media sosial. Ciptakan kepribadian yang unik dan pahami apa yang dapat berjalan dengan baik untuk setiap situasi yang dihadapi di media sosial.
  6. Komitmen. Dapat dikatakan mudah untuk berkomitmen terhadap strategi jika telah memperoleh hasil yang positif. Namun merupakan tantangan jika harus mendapatkan hasil dalam waktu yang sempit. Penggunaan media sosial tidak selalu sesuai atau bermanfaat secara langsung. Namun jika berkomitmen untuk secara konsisten meluangkan waktu dan tenaga, maka akan diperoleh hasil yang diinginkan.
Dalam beberapa kisah sukses nyata, kita hanya mendengar hasil dan bukan proses kerja yang mereka lakukan. Proses kerja yang konsisten dapat menciptakan hasil yang positif. Elemen-elemen yang disebut di atas dapat dijadikan strategi untuk komunikasi B2B. Pahami bahwa setiap upaya tersebut adalah cara membangun kesuksesan berjangka panjang dan bukan jangka pendek.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Dealing with Grief and Loss

Experiencing the loss of someone you care about is very heartbreaking. Be it a death of a loved one, a relationship breakup or moving away to a new place. My mother's younger sister recently passed away this morning. For a long time she suffered from diabetes which lead to kidney failure where she experienced sequences of hemodialysis. In some ways, everyone grieves differently. I try not to grieve for too long. At first, I usually feel numb and have trouble believing what happened. Whenever I go through a hard time, I always try to convince myself that I feel fine. I do believe that it is important to be honest about your feelings but at the same time I think it's unnecessary to sugarcoat it. I try not to let negative emotion take over me, therefore I tend to push it away and convince myself that I'm not even feeling it at all. Sometimes I need to remind myself that it is okay be sad and cry. If I don't cry, it does not necessarily mean that I am not sorry about the loss. I think that people who don't cry may feel the pain just as deep as those who cry.